If your Tornado Alley Armor above ground storm shelters are EF-5 certified, what’s the purpose of the “Secondary Steel” and “Fort Knox panels?” And if one were to select one of these safe room options here, “Secondary Steel” and “Fort Knox panels,” what would be your recommendation?
They serve the same function as side collision air curtains, crash avoidance systems, anti-lock brakes, etc in vehicles….not required, but they add to your level of safety. The base unit with no structural upgrades is F5 rated and built to meet or exceed FEMA-320 recommendations. Upgrades to the structure are roughly analogous to side air bags, anti-lock brakes, crash avoidance systems, etc in a car…nice to be sure and they maximize your odds of avoiding injury, but they’re not required. It’s a cost/benefit analysis of maximizing your protection. For those with heightened respect for tornadoes, those who tend to opt for upgrades when available, the Ft Knox and/or Secondary Steel ribs are an attractive option to maximize their level of protection. Give us a call, we’ll get your safe room needs figured out and get you on our list. 918-518-1551 or email through our website at www.tornadoalleyarmor.com.
Thanks for your question Paul!