Did You Know…?
An average of 132 tornadoes touch Texas soil each year. The annual total varies considerably, and certain areas are struck more often than others. Tornadoes occur with greatest frequency in the Red River Valley of North Texas.
More tornadoes have been recorded in Texas than in any other state, with 8,007 funnel clouds reaching the ground between 1951 and 2011, thus becoming tornadoes.
Texas ranks 11th among the 50 states in the density of tornadoes due to its size, with an average of 5.7 tornadoes per 10,000 square miles per year (or 100 mi x 100 mi area) during this period. However, the arid southwestern 1/3 of the state experiences very few tornadoes annually, so the adjusted average number of tornadoes per square mile for the remainder of the state is much higher at roughly 9 to 11 per 10,000 square miles, ranking Texas among the highest occurance rates in the country.
The greatest outbreak of tornadoes on record in Texas was associated with Hurricane Beulah in September 1967. Within a five-day period, 115 known tornadoes, all in Texas, were spawned by this great hurricane. Sixty-seven occurred on Sept. 20, a Texas record for a single day.
The greatest number of tornadoes in Texas in a single year is 232, also in 1967. The second-highest number in a single year is 1995, when 223 tornadoes occurred in Texas.
Famous Last Words heard after a tornado
“These things happen to other people, not to me.”
“I’d never seen one before today.”
“It was right on top of us before we knew it.”
“We were thinking about getting a storm shelter next year.”
“We didn’t think we could afford one.”
Don’t let these words be yours. Protect yourself and your family with
