Q: I’m extremely claustrophobic and am scared to get in an above ground tornado shelter or underground garage floor shelter because I’m afraid I’ll get trapped inside. What do you suggest?


A: You don’t have to worry about getting trapped inside a Tornado Alley Armor Safe Room. Even if something blocks the door, our safe rooms can be totally disassembled from the inside, rendering them guaranteed entrapment-proof regardless of door swing. We include two wrenches with every safe room, zip tied inside for emergency egress. No hydraulic jacks, no hoists, no come-alongs. If you can use a wrench to loosen a nut you can get out. You won’t have to wonder if and when someone will come along to help you from the outside. With our safe rooms you can help yourself from the inside. Plus, since it bolts together it’s totally re-locatable if you decide to move. The disassembled unit fits easily in a van, small utility trailer or pickup bed.

 Questions about exactly how it works? Give us a call toll free 918-518-1551 or click here for even more information.