Q: How will I know I’ll be able to breathe once I’m inside the safe room with the door shut?


A: .. The vent cover you see on the Tornado Alley Armor Safe Room door covers a perforated grid rated to provide enough continuous air supply for three people. The real air supply is hidden in the door design. We engineered in a ¼” gap around the entire perimeter of the door, with the air following an “S” path to enter the safe room around the door, then reversing around the door frame flange and into the safe room. Debris cannot follow that path but the air can, and believe it or not the gap is enough to provide 24 people with air indefinitely. That, along with the wrenches we hang inside, should set your claustrophobic mind at ease. Not only will you be able to breathe easily, you will also be able to get yourself out easily if something blocks access on the side of the tornado shelter that the door is on.  All you’ll need to do is pick a panel and start unbolting…. while breathing easily the entire time!