Shipping rates are estimated costs including insurance to transfer the safe room from our Tulsa OK warehouse to your destination. Rates are subject to change, and may be higher or lower due to current fuel prices, the point of custody transfer, the weight of the palletized safe room, and the unloading options available at the freight destination. Use the Zone Number column that your location falls within, then select that Zone Rate from the row that describes how and where custody of the safe room transfers to you.
We provide FREE delivery to Zone 1, which is a 50-mile radius from our Tulsa warehouse. For Zone 2, we sometimes deliver with our vehicle on a day trip at $1 per mile one way, or we may ship if the rates are favorable. For Zones 3-6 the Delivered by Installer rates include our costs for travel time, fuel, tolls, lodging, and per diem expenses as needed. According to Google Maps’ fastest route suggestion, those costs are calculated at $2 per mile one way. Remember, your ACTUAL SHIPPING COSTS WILL BE CALCULATED AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE….this chart is only for estimating your delivery costs before contacting our sales staff.