7,000 BTU Portable A/C Unit

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Product Details

This energy-efficient portable 110v Air Conditioning unit operates at an incredibly low 49 dB noise level, and is equipped with a no-drain evaporative system that exhausts all condensate outside the safe room along with the hot air, so there is no need to manually drain water from the unit. No overflowing buckets, no slimy wet spots to contend with. Garages get hot during severe weather season, but this little dynamo will chill your safe room comfortably cool in a matter of seconds. There's really no need to pre-cool your safe room.

Price includes modified exhaust panel and impact shield to safely prevent debris entry from exhaust port. Required 110v AC power receptacle priced separately. Tornadoes are stressful enough....why sweat it?

  • Weight: 48.5 lbs
  • Dimensions: 26.25" H x 17.81" W x 13.31" D
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Prices listed are for fully funded safe rooms, delivered within the 50 mile *free delivery* zone of Tulsa, OK. Please contact us or enter your information in our cart for shipping and delivery rates outside the 50 mile radius.

CUSTOM SIZE REQUESTS: Some custom sizing is possible, but pricing is typically 15% - 40+% higher. Ask for details.

Basic installation pricing is for drive-up access with level, solid access within 25 ft and ample work space, such as a garage or shop.
Custom Installation is just about anything else. Your purchase may be subject to sales or use tax depending on your location.