Versatile Design
Remodeling garage space?
Our safe rooms can easily be moved or modified in your existing space to fit your changing needs. Converting your garage to living space? No problem! Our safe room panel design means it can easily be moved to another area of your home or new garage requiring no more than standard sized door openings.
Need a different size safe room?
Someday you may experience a change in family size, or may like a little more room in your garage. Expansion kits may be purchased and installed to expand your safe room making it deeper or wider. Or, depending on the size you now have, you may be able to downsize to a smaller footprint. No other safe room on the market is more adaptable to meet your current family situation.

Safety beyond the storm
Our safe rooms double as an intruder-resistant “panic” room as well, giving you a secure haven from criminals and trespassers. Once locked safely inside, you can sound alarms, call the police and wait for help to arrive. With our double-actuated latch system, the intruder cannot get to you and cannot lock you in. You have full control of the door from inside the safe room.
Keep firearms and valuables secure
Your safe room may also be used as a secure space where money, valuables, records, documents and firearms can be securely stored and protected from theft or unauthorized access. It is the ideal solution for large collections or a large amount of valuables that require more space than a standard safe.