No, tornado sirens are not required by law to be installed, tested or even inspected in ANY state. The sirens we hear today weren’t even originally used as tornado sirens. In 1950, sirens were used to signal people of air raids. It wasn’t until the 1970’s that these same sirens started being used to warn people of a possible tornado. Still today, the sirens are used for more than just tornadoes, but they are never meant to be heard indoors.
Tornado sirens are used to alert people who are outside to go indoors and check your local weather because there may be a tornado coming. Whether your town has tornado sirens audibly close to you or not, you should not rely on them alone to tell you there is a storm coming. With advances in technology, the best thing you can do to be prepared for a tornado is to sign up for weather alerts on your cell phone, turn on the radio and/or local news station. You should also look into getting a Tornado Alley Armor safe room so that you have a tornado shelter that will protect you from the storm.
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