Recently we were told by a passerby that she has no need for a tornado shelter because she lives in a “protected” town and will never see a tornado strike her home. Her stubborn confidence intrigued us so we decided to do a little digging on the possible credibility of this statement. We didn’t really expect to find such a large number of people that feel the same way and were surprised to find that numerous people believe they will never encounter a tornado because of “protection.” The credit for this incredible “protection” is given to natural barriers, such as hillsides, valleys and large bodies of water.

Although we wish there was something that could actually protect an entire town from the devastating destruction of a tornado, there is no scientific evidence to back up this myth. And a myth is exactly what it is. There are places that are more favorable than others for tornadoes, but there is nothing that can protect an entire town from being stuck by a tornado.

Tornadoes can go up and down hillsides, across mountains, across water and even form on water (known as waterspouts.) Strong tornadoes have even crossed the Mississippi River.

Just because your town may have not seen a tornado yet, it is not “protected.”


However, shielding your family in an NSSA certified storm shelter from Tornado Alley Armor is a guaranteed way to keep your family protected.