Tornado Alley Armor’s safe rooms can be! Sometimes our customers are curious about what size of safe room they should get because they are not yet finished growing their family, but they are not ready financially or spatially to purchase a larger shelter. Not a problem! Our tornado shelters are bolted together so not only are they entrapment proof and movable, you can also purchase additional panels later on down the road if you need to make it larger.

For example, if you start with the Champion (3 adults) and you decide you want to expand, you can simply add panels to make it deeper and it will become a Rampart (7 person.)
The Defender can also be made deeper into a Guardian (10 people.) All our safe rooms can be enlarged.

There are many options to choose from as you are looking to buy a storm shelter from Tornado Alley Armor and there are just as many options available for you to choose from after your initial purchase to make it larger if needed.