We don’t include benches in our storm shelters. The simple reason is that if you were to be sitting on a bench and leaning against the storm shelter walls when an EF-5 tornado came through your home, causing impacts against your tornado storm shelter, there would be a grave possibility of major injuries. FEMA tells us that you should not be leaning against the safe room walls during a tornado and this makes perfect sense to us. If you were sitting on a bench you would tend to lean against the storm shelter walls for back support. Those same safe room walls could take an impact causing you injuries. At Tornado Alley Armor Safe Rooms we recommend using folding card table chairs, bag chairs, or some other type of chair that has a back. With a chair that folds or collapses you would be able to store them inside your safe room ready to use. If you had family or neighbors visiting when the tornado sirens sound you would be able to fit more people inside your storm shelter for tornado protection. If you don’t need the extra room then the chairs would be handily available to open up and sit down on.

Find more information at www.tornadoalleyarmor.com, or call us toll free at 918-518-1551.