Just because you read something on the internet that doesn’t mean it’s true. Many unscrupulous storm shelter companies try to “pull the wool over our eyes” by making false claims that are sometimes simply outright lies. Take this sign for example. This company is claiming to be “FEMA Certified“. FEMA does NOT certify and even says so on their website. You don’t have to take my word for it, you can go to FEMA’s website and read it for yourself. 

“While this guide presents FEMA’s guidance on the design and construction of residential safe roomsFEMA does not test or certify materials or systems … “

Clearly this is a good example of always doing your homework and not always believing everything you read on the internet.

Another storm shelter company is misleading the public by trying to make us believe that they are the ONLY safe rooms that meet FEMA standards. Simply not true. Any safe room built to FEMA specs will provide “Near Absolute Protection.”


Here’s where you can read for yourself: http://www.fema.gov/safe-room-resources/fema-p-320-taking-shelter-storm-building-safe-room-your-home-or-small-business#shelter.


We don’t expect you to automatically believe everything you read on our website, but we do tell the truth and we absolutely will not try to mislead you. Do your homework, research what you read and ask questions. We’re always happy to answer questions and give guidance for fact checking. Our toll free number is 918-518-1551.

Thank you,

Leslie McGee


Tornado Alley Armor Safe Rooms