I want to use my storm shelter as a property safe when I’m not using it to hide from tornadoes, does the door have a lock on it?

Yes, all of our tornado safe rooms come standard with a key lock on the outside handle. If you want a little more security we also have an option to upgrade and install two deadbolts that are keyed alike on your safe room as well. It is $280 to add the deadbolts and it is very popular. A lot of our customers who have chosen to purchase the deadbolts use their shelter as a gun safe or just a secure place to keep important documents. Another reason people may choose to go with the upgraded locks is so that in the event that there is mass destruction to their home, they will already have a protected storage place to put their belongings as they are sifting through the rubble. 
So the answer is yes, our units all have a lock on the handle, but if you want added security you might choose to upgrade to the premium security door option with the deadbolts.