Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Charleston, West Virginia, and Knoxville, Tennessee be prepared for tornadoes! This week mother nature is picking on your area of the country and unleashing what could be very damaging tornadoes.

Tornado Alley is now encompassing the eastern areas of the US. Seek shelter in your Tornado Alley Armor safe room when you hear the first warning.

If you don’t already have a Tornado Alley Armor safe room then don’t delay! As you can easily see tornadoes can happen any time of the year and you could have your Tornado Alley Armor safe room ordered and installed within a few weeks. You’ll be prepared and protecting your family from any future tornadoes with NSSA verified EF-5 tornado protection.

Call us toll free 918-518-1551 for nationwide delivery and installation. We already protect lives in 28 states and are always happy to add another. As you can see in the photo below our tornado storm shelters can be installed in a closet, or even in the garage or outdoors. We can help you find the perfect tornado shelter installation location. Call us today for a great deal!